Single Leg Weighted Calf Raise


This is the single leg heel raise. Start by standing with the front half of your foot on a step, holding the edge of a surface or putting your hands on a wall for balance, hold a small weight in your other hand (if this is too heavy, your body weight will be fine too). Remaining tall and without bending your knees (you may have to tense your thigh muscle to help with this part), then push up onto your tip toes as high as you can go. Pause at the top then with lower with control so that your feet are flat on the floor. You can progress this by either placing the front half of your foot on a step, to increase the range of movement achieved on the lowering phase, or by holding a weight in your hand to increase the challenge on your calf muscles. Ensure the weight isn’t too heavy that it prevents you from raising your heel high off the ground or leads to you bending through the knee to compensate.